Bismarck Chiropractor | Dr. Joel Roloff
My transition to evidence based health care

Dr. Joel Roloff
I’ve always wanted to help people in my life be better and live better. Chiropractic has given me the tools to help serve people in a way unlike any other. It’s been over 12 years of practice and I continue to learn every day. I started my career with an emphasis on health and wellness coupled with functional medicine (using food, vitamins, and nutrients to restore function). I soon realized that for most people, it is very difficult to change a lifetime of choices that got them to the place where they need help.
Over the past few years I have transitioned into more evidence based care for patients. The Chiropractic adjustment continues to be shown to be the best tool to improve musculoskeletal complaints. A very close second are corrective exercises. If I do my job correct, and patients do their job, it is incredible how much better each case turns out. I like to tell my patients that I am an intervention to help them get better, but the real magic is when they take responsibility for their health, get to know their dysfunctions, and work to improve themselves while I am not around. You will be an active part of your treatment here at Adjust Life, WE will work together for you. I am the only board certified Rehabilitation specialist in North Dakota which is like a PhD in rehab. The goal is to give patients the best most evidence based care to improve not only their presenting complaints, but also their lives as a whole, and above all to do it safely and effectively.
My approach to is simple. I ask your body questions with movement and we learn what the problem is together. Can you move the way your body is supposed to, do you realize what you are capable to move, and what is the most advanced move you can handle to allow you to achieve your best? Someone said that insanity is something we do over and over again… expecting a different result? Your body has an amazing ability to heal itself IF you take care of it. I can teach you how.
I was born and raised here in the great city of Bismarck as was my beautiful wife Becky. We are so fortunate to be back here to grow a family within this community. We now have the most life enhancing little men named William, Luka, and Radek Roloff! We do our best to not forget about our very busy dog Emmett. Outside the office, we love to kayak, be outside, run, play disc golf, golf, read, and make puzzles when we can find the time.
I consider myself an excellent listener and hope I get the opportunity to meet you in person and discuss your specific health challenge. Give our office a call or email me with the link below. Contact Adjust Life today to make an appointment.
Board Certified Rehab Diplomat
Multiple post graduate certifications – 2007- current
Licensed Acupuncturist from NWHSU – 2008
Doctorate of Chiropractic from NWHSU – graduate date Nov. 2007
UND – Bachelors of University Studies (means I was already accepted to NWHSU and had enough credits to graduate. I would have had to stay another semester to finish other degrees) – Spring 2004
BHS – Class of 2000